6 ways to empower women to redefine India’s growth story! Happy International Women’s Day!!

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empower women to redefine India’s growth story !!

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Courtesy: economictimes.indiatimes.com

All women are inherently graceful and beautiful in their own way.

With their unrivaled strength, responsible attitude, positive emotions, and confidence on their sleeves, they turn even the darkest moments into blissful days.

Be forever grateful to the women in your life and express love and gratitude every day. Knowing the creation she is, never keep a woman’s love and affection at bay.

On this International Women’s Day, empower her in every way and let her be who she wants. That’s all we wanna say!! 

Women have had many historic struggles!

Over the past years, women have been battered by multiple gender differences and inequalities. Right from facing gender pay gaps and being under-represented in top income groups to denial of voice and rights in households to the devaluation of work, sexual abuse and harassment, and lack of educational facilities and child marriage, women have faced the brunt of India’s economic and social status in every manner.

In a country where people worship various female goddesses and saints, women have been subjected to immense violence, and abuse and are considered inferior beings. 

However, in a world of superheroes, women are making their place not just in the kitchen but in the business spheres, sports, defense, and other existing areas and markets. It’s hard to take your eyes off her when she is a dedicated soul and ignore her conscientiousness. Right from flying solo fighter aircraft to playing in 200 ODI matches, to winning a medal in boxing at the Olympics, women have done it all, broken barriers, and made India proud a number of times.

Also, according to a study by the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) and the World Economic Forum (WEF), countries led by women significantly outperformed others in terms of COVID-19 outcomes owing to their “proactive and coordinated policy responses” such as timely lockdowns. Such is the power of a woman’s mind and the true story of her diligence and perseverance which simply can’t be ignored. 

This International Women’s Day, get ready to give some serious power to all women! Because a woman with a voice and power is a strong woman and a country with strong and unassailable women is a remarkably strong country. In this blog, let us discuss how you can give more power to the woman of today, what not to say or do to a woman, where to set the boundaries, and how to recreate a better India!! 

5 ways to give more power to the women fraternity

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Image courtesy: stock.abode.com/in

1. Always tell her that she can do it!!

Over the years, a huge influx of women has grabbed one of the country’s highest leadership positions and proved that they are a unique, exceptional species. 10% of CEOs who are running Fortune 500 companies are women – the highest of all indices – according to the Women CEOs in America Report 2022.

A woman is not just a delight to be around but a person with immense caliber, management skills, and the zeal to touch new heights. Be it your mother, sister, spouse, or any other aspiring woman around you, always tell her that she can do it and help her enough to enable her to get what she wants.

2. Choose more women as global leaders 

Women are acquiring both business and political leadership positions and bringing their own wisdom into these spheres while proving their value as leaders. Women in business can literally surprise you with their leadership qualities. Yes!! Here’s the proof!! A Harvard Business Review analysis found that women running businesses and companies scored higher than men on most key leadership parameters, like flexibility and results-driven attitudes.

Although women are viewed as weaker than men emotionally but according to the study, they stand more motivated in tougher times, have more courage to step in as leaders, and possess excellent teamwork qualities. So allow more women to participate in global leadership goals.

3. Encourage and accelerate women-founded startups 

A woman-run business is mostly a unique one and piques curiosity and hype around. This is because women are usually accurate with their data analysis and findings. Yes, they are actively a part of big data and technology industries and making a mark in the data science sector which is growing at a rapid pace.

Most Micro and small business enterprises (MSEs) are treating women as equals in developing nations and encouraging them to actively participate and contribute to decision-making both in the household and the community.

Let us strictly and wholeheartedly address and fight off gender discrimination in the business landscape and empower more women to become entrepreneurs and kick off their own businesses to yield positive results for the economy.

To achieve this, let us inculcate proper training and assistance, and new and path-breaking business skills in women in the workplace and in households. We can also provide them with flexible working hours and schemes to support their journey to economic liberty and independence. This will not only allow them to shape their careers and move forward but also develop a sense of self-worth.

4. Support them in their educational journey

Throughout India, there are various unspoken social norms and shared beliefs that deny women their right to education. Due to this reason, most women are lacking authority in their households and there is an alarming gap in the literacy rate between men and women.

According to a study conducted by the United Nations, women make up more than two-thirds of the world’s illiterate population. Let us remove and fight off any gender inequality that hinders the progress of a woman and encourage more women to study. This can not only improve their work prospects, and give them a voice in household and workplace decisions but help them reach successful milestones.

5. Create a better and safer environment for them

Women are as much invested in music, fitness, socializing, career, Nature, and sports and games as men. But they indeed need to think twice before stepping out of their homes even in the daylight.

The crime rate in India is catapulting and women lack safety not just outside but at home too. According to the National Crimes Records Bureau (NCRB), India recorded over 4 lakhs cases of crimes committed against women and shocking 88 rape cases in a day in 2019. That’s why it’s more important than ever to create a better environment for women to ensure safety and help them overcome fears that stop them from any social activity.

Companies can implement better women’s safety practices in the workplace such as creating more awareness among female employees and constructing better and stronger policies regarding sexual harassment to encourage more freedom and safety in every sense. We as family members can be in touch with them all the time to safeguard her and prevent her from being a sufferer in the worst ways.

6. Give them a voice in important household decisions and other matters

God’s idea and decision to create a woman is not one of chance but of choice. Women undergo a sound mental process influenced by their values when making decisions and can make better decisions than men. However, women are not given many opportunities to have a voice and often get excluded from the most important decisions in the household and the workplace.

At the all-India level, nearly 92 percent of women aged 15 to 59 handle domestic chores during the day, the most unequally shared work in Indian households. Let us start to change this and empower more women in day-to-day life and seek an active contribution in decision-making such as education, finance, childcare, etc.

Is India yet to recognize the enigma of women? Even after 75 years of Independence? 

Courtesy: livemint.com

With International women’s day around the corner, India is celebrating women’s love in its many wonderful and diverse forms. But there are a lot of things yet to be realized about the worth of a woman. She needs more empowerment and wants to be valued even more!!

As per the Global Gender Gap Report 2022 of the World Economic Forum, India ranks 135 among a total of 146 countries. With a feeble performance in gender equality that reflects in many indicators on the status of women in India, it is one of the worst performers in the world in the global gender gap index.

The place given to women in Indian society in terms of literacy, proper education, household rights, and household work is still questionable. Also, women’s lack of an honorable place in the country is something we can attest to as rape, sexual harassment in the workplace, and otherwise a substantial issue for women in India.

Although there has been appreciation for the status of women in India, a lot needs to be implemented and changed in order to justify their equality with men, even after 75 years of Independence.

How can we together create a woman eccentric and better India?

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Courtesy: businessworld.in

From Mother’s Day to Father’s day and Daughter’s Day, we are celebrating all kinds of relationships in India every year.

While we realize the essence of them all, International Women’s Day is not just about the women in your life it’s about the entire women’s fraternity, the people, and the lady beings. So this International women’s day let’s deep dive into the wonderful contributions and qualities of women in our lives and empower them and not limit them.

Let us help them break down barriers and achieve the opportunities they are entitled to. Let us all together create a new dictionary to define women’s rights and freedom and celebrate womanhood in the real sense rather than a counterfeit one.


Women you are beautiful in every way and on this International women’s day that’s all we wanna say!! Dedicate this post to all the women you know and empower and motivate them.

Pic credit:-PTI

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