python tutorial

python string

Python string & string functions

Python string & string functions provide you with a detailed explanation of The python string and its methods. The string is an immutable sequence of Unicode characters wrapped inside single, double, or triple quotes. In this blog, you’ll learn: 1.) What is Unicode. 2.) Creating Strings literal in Python. 3.) Printing Strings literal in Python. …

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what is unicode and ascii

What is Unicode and ASCII -in simple terms

Unicode and ASCII are Character encodings standards. It enables people across the world to use their own language on phones and computers. The following article tries to explain both these encoding standards in simple terms without going too much into the technical sphere. The computer only understands binary number systems. The binary number system comprises …

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Building blocks of Python language

Building blocks of Python language

Tokens and character sets are Building blocks of the Python programming language. Character set All characters that python can recognize. The below table illustrates the Python character set along with examples. character Set Examples Letters:-Upper case and lower case english alphabets A-Z,a-z Digits:-all digits 0-9 Special symbols space,+,-,**,*,%,//,/,==,!=,>,< Whitespaces Blank space,tabs Other unicode characters All …

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Building blocks of Python language

Basic Datatypes in Python Dictionary, Tuple, and Set

Python Datatypes Please refer to the previous article for Python Datatypes Integer, Float, String, and List data types. In the present article, we will learn and practice Complex Numbers, collection data types Dictionary, Tuple, and Set. Dictionary Python dictionaries are stored in Key-Value pairs. Unlike List dictionaries are unordered. Dictionary is mutable i.e key value can …

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Python data type

Basic data types in Python

Basic data types in Python are Integer, Float, Complex number, Boolean, String, List, Tuple, and Dictionary. Python is one of the most preferred programming languages ​​because of its versatility, flexibility, and object-oriented features. Python has a broad spectrum of uses in This tutorial takes you through the basics of python language, which will help you kick-start your python journey. Step …

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